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abcr GmbH
Postfach 210135
D-76151 Karlsruhe
Phone:   (49) (0)721-95061-0 
Fax:       (49) (0)721-95061-80
Email:     info@abcr.de
URL:      www.abcr.de

Chemie Brunschwig AG
Auf dem Wolf 10 - Postfach
CH-4052 Basel, Switzerland
Phone: (41) 61-308-9111
Fax: (41) 61-308-9119
Email: info@brunschwig-ch.com
URL: www.brunschwig-ch.com

Fluorochem Ltd.
Unit 14 Graphite Way
Rossington Park
Hadfield SK13 1QH
United Kingdom
Phone: (44) (0)1457-860111
Fax: (44) (0)1457-892799
Email: enquiries@fluorochem.co.uk
URL: www.fluorochem.net

Hydrus Chemical, Inc.
Kurihara Bldg.
2-12, Uchikanda 3-chome
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0047
Phone:   (81) (0)3-3258-5031
Fax:       (81) (0)3-3258-6535
Email:    info@hydrus.co.jp
URL:     www.hydrus.co.jp

211 bis Avenue J.F. Kennedy
B.P. 1140
03103 Montlucon Cedex
Phone:   (33) (0)4-70-03-88-55
Fax:       (33) (0)4-70-03-82-60
Email:    interchim@interchim.com
URL:      www.interchim.com